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Gary's Micro-Camper: Part 4

We were able to raise the camper walls today! Everything went smoothly, and I'm so grateful to have two strong men around to help me!

Gary and Bart did most of the heavy lifting, while I clamped the pieces together, leveled the walls, and utilized my hand-held drill and screws to join the walls and fasten them to the trailer.

I'll bolt the walls to the frame next weekend, weather permitting, and start on the rafters.

My goal is to complete the cabin by the end of spring break, but we'll have to wait and see if the weather cooperates on the weekends. As the days get longer, I may be able to work for an hour or so in the evenings.

It's going to be a cozy little space!

Wishing you a wonderful week, and remember that kindness has the power to change the world!

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