As well as completely new creations, I can make similar replicas to any of the pieces below in any size or shape desired. Custom orders are welcome!
Unavailable: "One Moment in Time"
Sold: "Blooms at Twilight"
Sold: "Sunflowers for a Friend"
Sold: "Ode to Gaudi's Caprice"
Available for purchase: "End Racism Now"
Available for purchase: "Respecting Humanity"
Available for purchase: "Patchwork Quilt Ideology"
Available for purchase: "Octopie"
Unavailable: "J's Humidor"
Unavailable: "Sunflowers for My Dilly"
Available for purchase: "A Mermaid's Tale"
Available for purchase: "Looky Loos"
Unavailable: "Amazing Grace"
Sold: "Flower & Bee Synergy"
Sold: "Red Tree Mosaic"
Unavailable: "Kaleidoscope"
Unavailable: "Two Little Fish in the Sea"
Unavailable: "Santa Fe Skull with Turquoise"